Contacts for Stock Enquiries

Advice for New Goatkeepers

When buying a Golden Guernsey, it is important to verify it is pure bred and comes from healthy stock, and as it is a herd animal, you must keep more than one goat. You should ask to see the registration card which will show its GG registration number (GGxxxxx), eartag number and the sire and dam, both of which must have GG numbers.

Only the breeder can register a GG, and this must be done within two years of birth for it to be a Golden Guernsey. The seller should register and pay for the transfer of ownership through the BGS. Do not buy if proof of breeding cannot be supplied.

You must learn about goats and their care before buying, and then contact the Society stock officers below to help you to find stock. The Beginner’s Guide, available here, covers a wide range of topics such as buying your first Guernsey, housing, feeding, management, showing and breeding, through to paperwork and registration.

Stock Officers Coordinator
Rosamund Mary Gaunt
01248 491888
Nicola Bessell
07974 686621
South West
Pete Oldfield
01288 381569
Anke Sieker
01835 870846 (evenings preferred)
West Wales
Jo Evans
07582 495841
South East
Paul Doubleday
01634 375228
East Anglia
Hazel Francis
South Central
Carole Morris
07784 208377
North Wales & Shropshire
Sandra Jones
Poppy Cottrell-Howe
07867801202 (evenings preferred)